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  • Writer's pictureAllyana Isabel Barrios

Civilian Duterte to return hunting criminals in his motorcycle

President Rodrigo R. Duterte is determined to continue his war against illegal drugs by resuming to hunt criminals on his motorcycle after he steps down from office in June.

“Now that I won’t be President anymore, nobody can dictate what I do. I will go riding on a motorcycle and roam around the… And I’ll search for drug peddlers, shoot them and kill them,” he said in Bisaya.

He proceeded to warn drug smugglers that they should not be careless and that it is futile to hide, as he would still find and capture them during the Hugpong ng Pagbabago miting de avance on May 06, 2022

“Now that I won’t be President anymore, nobody can dictate what I do. I will go riding on a motorcycle and roam around the… And I’ll search for drug peddlers, shoot them and kill them,” he said in Bisaya.

As a former mayor of Davao City, he previously claimed to have already done such a thing during his previous terms.

He recalled how most drug lords get away with their crimes by bribing corrupt authorities, such as the police, prosecutor, and judges.

“When I became President, it was still my mantra. I told them, do not destroy my country with drugs, don’t feed our children with drugs because they’re the only ones we trust. When we get older, they are the ones who will take care of us. If you turn them into idiots, p***** i** I will really come after you,” Duterte added.

Duterete then justified that despite his bravado and speeches on aggressively exterminating illegal drugs, he never instructed the police to execute extrajudicial killings.

“The ICC, the International Criminal Court said they will sue me for ordering the killings. I said, I never ordered the police to kill them, I never did. All I said was I will kill you myself. I never ordered anyone else to do it for me,” he added.

He also countered reporters' claims that he ever killed anyone.

“I’ll be frank with you, the ICC and human rights, I have never killed anyone yet, but I may do so soon. The time will come for that. But when I was mayor, this was my guidance, go out, all of you policemen and find the drug addicts and drug lords and arrest them. If they resist and your life is in jeopardy, then in the fulfilment of your duty basta sa trabaho ka lang makapatay, I will take the blame for you. It’s on me. That’s what I said,” he said.

Last March, the President expressed his worry about a possible “resurgence” of illegal drugs in the country after he steps down from Malacañang. He also said that he hopes the next administration will continue the drug war.

According to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), as of March this year, 6,000 were killed.

Duterte has admitted he was unable to fulfill his promise of ending the country’s drug problem six months after taking office in 2016.

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